Año Referencia Tema Título
1988 CL061 08 Shock: medidas generales de urgencias.                              (Protocolo terapeútico del Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital de    Santa Cruz y San Pablo)
1988 CL062 08 The pathogenesis od multiple organ failure.
1989 CL063 08 Early detection of shock in critically ill patients by skeletal muscle Po2 assessment
1990 CL059 08 The intestinal factor in multiple organ failure and shock.
1990 CL060 08 Management of hypovolaemic shock.
1990 CL081 08 Organ distribution of radiolabeled enteric escherichia coli during and after hemorrhagic shock.
1991 CL120 08 Adult respiratory distress syndrome.
1991 CL139 08 Attenuation of the pulmonary vascular response to endotoxin by a thromboxane synthesis inhibitor (UK-38485) in unanesthetized sheep.
1992 CL213 08 Crystalloid is as effective as blood in the resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock
1992 CL214 08 Hypertonic solutions in the treatment of hypovolemic shock:a prospective, randomized study in patients admitted to the emergency room
1993 CL218 08 The use of oximetry in determining intestinal blood flow