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Año | Referencia | Tema | Título |
1989 | CL067 | 12 | An integrated analysis of glucose, fat, and protein metabolism in severely traumatized patients. |
1989 | CL068 | 12 | Metabolic response to sepsis and trauma. |
1990 | CL003 | 12 | The adrenal response to trauma, operation and cosyntropin stimulation |
1990 | CL007 | 12 | Beneficial effect of enhanced macrophage function in the trauma patient. |
1992 | CL210 | 12 | The hypothalamic pituitary adrenal lmmune axis: a critical assessment |
1993 | CL223 | 12 | The Role of the Adrenals in the Acute Phase Response to Interleukin-1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor- alfa |
1995 | CL236 | 12 | Adjuvant biological response modifiers after major or trauma |
1995 | CL319 | 12 | The metabolic response to laparosocopic cholecystectomy |
1998 | CL328 | 12 | Metabolic response to severe injury |
2000 | CL367 | 12 | Sequential metabolic changes folowing induction of systemic inflammatory response in patients with severe sepsis or major blunt trauma |
2000 | CL368 | 12 | Changes in intermediary metabolism in severe surgical illness |